Why you Should Definitely Hire a Designer

I get it. You're a DIY-er. You pride yourself on being able to roll up your sleeves and get that shit done. If you don't know how to do something, you hit up YouTube, blogs, Google, etc. until you do. You're not scared to fail because you know you can keep trying until you figure it out. I ADORE you. I AM you. You're my kind of people.

And sure, you could probably eventually decipher the ins-and-outs of Interior Design the way you have figured out how to fix your sink or refinish your bedroom set. Your space might even turn out looking pretty good too. But you and I both know "good" isn't what you're aiming at. "Good" isn't what is going to make you actually WANT to make your bed or straighten the pillows on the sofa. "Good" can get you 90% of the way, but you may need a little help to snag that other 10%, and convert all that goodness into drop-your-pants throw-off-your-bra oh-my-god it feels so GREAT to be home.

Still not sure if you need some extra help? I'll break it down for you and you can decide for yourself.


How to know if you need a designer


You’re overwhelmed.

Even the smallest 10x10 room feels like a freakin palace when you think about trying to decide what to put in it. You have 12 different paint splotches on your walls where you've been testing colors for the last 4 years. You've visited so many stores and websites now that you can recite their inventory SKU numbers. Yet your room remains empty, save the hand me down chair with the broken arm and that weird art your intense college roommate made for you for your birthday one year.

You hate your space.

Despite the advice from your most stylish friend and spending countless hours watching HGTV, you hate how the room you've been working on makes you feel when you're in it. Like a boyfriend who "is just soooo great" but you can't seem to commit to, you're frustrated by your own discontent. You have all the "right" things. The wall-color-of-the-year, the Moroccan knock off ivory and grey trellis rug, the sleek mid-mod style sofa, the oversized non-functioning clock you grabbed in Waco... You don't know why you hate it all together. Butcha do. Because deep down, you know its not a fit for YOU.


You’re ready to roll up your sleeves…but don’t know where to start.

You feel like you have a handle on your style, you're great at making lists, your Pinterest Boards are legit, and you aren't afraid to get down and dirty to get it done. But you're not quite sure what to salvage and what to replace. I mean, you've got tons of great stuff and you're a recycling queen, but does that vintage highboy really fit the overall end goal? And if it doesn't, is there a way to spruce it up so it does? What about that big round mirror? Would it be dumb looking to flip in on its back, add some hairpin legs and use it as a coffee table? You have ideas. LOTS of ideas, but you fear you're getting lost in the weeds and need someone to wade through with you.


You’re out of goddamn time.

You'd LOVE to have a room that would make you feel like you stepped into an Instagram Story. And you keep telling yourself that as soon as you have the time, you'll get it together and get it done. But time is a fickle little turd and you and I both know that as soon as you acquire more of it, something or someone steals it away again. Job, kids, spouse, house, school, friends, family, taking a real bath at some point... you have priorities and designing your own space just isn't one at present. But HEY! Just because you don't have the time, doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to love where you're coming home to every day. After all, you totally deserve it after you've spent all those long hours being AWESOME.


You’re on a budget.

I know. This seems counterintuitive. After all, hiring a designer does indeed cost something. Unless you work out some kind of bartering deal (I'm just putting it out there, but I'd totally be willing to design for dinner. Trying to figure out what to eat and feed my people every day is the bane of my existence). But most likely, you'll have to hand over some real dollars if you want the job done right. But, be heartened my friend. Your fabulous designer could likely end up actually saving you money. Especially here at Nest Refresh, we pride ourselves on being able to come up with creative solutions that will keep you within your budget. This means guiding you through thrift-stores and flea-markets, showing you how to DIY your own artwork, and listing out for you where and when to shop online for the best deals on new furniture. Without your design wingman by your side, its plausible that you may end up buying a bunch of stuff at unnecessary prices that will blow your budget and leave you resentful and insecure in your newly furnished space. And, whats worse, you may not even like what you ended up with (see point 2).


So, what do you think? I nailed you in there somewhere right. Its cool, we all need help sometimes. Lucky for you, you're in the right place to get it. Nest Refresh is ready to help solve whatever design dilemmas you have. We have several options on how we can help that range from full-on room makeover to simply supplying you with an experienced Design Wingman to bounce your ideas off of. Contact us today to get started.


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